Register Now for 2023/2024
New Junior players
New players wishing to register to play for one of our teams
Please follow the instructions below:
Complete our club player registration form on our home page.
Complete bank subscription form - available from your team coach.or setup a standing order via your own online banking (details below)
Send a passport style photo to your team manager.
Accept the email request form from the 'FA Wholegame system' to play for Tintwistle Athletic
Subscription Details
New players need to setup a standing order.
First Payment: £45 (includes £25 signing on fee)
Usual Payment: £20 per month
Date of Payment: Select a date in the month which suits you.
Reference: Players name
Payment Details
Account Name: Tintwistle Athletic FC
Account Number: 80456918
Account Sort Code: 20-02-77